Sunday, July 27, 2014

~The Song Leader~
for my loving dad
He had a song on his lips.
A melody in his heart.
His voice it sweetly did ring
while singing unto the Lord.
He practiced diligently,
soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
working out each and every part.
Almost always keeping in tune.
While tapping out the rhythm
He tried to keep the singers “in line”
He tried to perfect each song he sang.
While remembering our Lord.
If I close my eyes and reminisce
back to my youngest days
I can hear the sweet voice of the song leader.
This man is very special to me.
His singing  voice is mostly silent now
but if you know him listen to the memories.
Remember how he loved to sing.
It showed this man loves the Lord.
This is to the Christian:
appreciate  your Song leader.
He is a brother to you.
He is a child of God.
I have to believe that someday
he will be singing in heaven..
Just as now, with melody in his heart

.© Tammy Madden Newcomb. All rights reserved

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Welcome to Poetry-n-Thoughts by tmygrl. This is my first attempt in blogging. Through trial and error I hope to be able to have a few followers along the way. Thanks so much for stopping by and May God Bless you.
Tammy Newcomb